Is there life after betrayal(LAB)?
“I went to sleep living my dream life. I woke up in the middle of my worst nightmare.”

You are not alone.
Healing does not happen in isolation. It’s time to start your healing journey in safe hands.
What now?
As a person experiencing the trauma of betrayal, it’s important to find the right treatment for your pain. Creating a treatment plan can seem overwhelming, but with safe people as your guide, it’s possible to find your way to healing and wholeness.
How can I heal?
There is a popular saying in recovery circles to “do the next right thing”. Healing starts with your decision to heal. Find supportive, safe people who can provide comfort, education, and allow you to work through the stages of grief. No one chooses betrayal. You can choose to take your power back and heal.

“My life will never be the same.”
Grief and pain do not have the final say in your life. There is new life on the other side of betrayal. Your life won’t be the same, it can be better.
— Coach Andrea